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Old 04-03-2009, 06:26 PM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by piranah View Post
when you say the first hardware screen, do you mean after you flash, or the first screen that shows up after you soft reset?

edit: on the rom download page, there are 4 roms listed... i want the manila 2 the only option the red theme, because im really digging the blue right now and it would be cool to flash to that
Yea the Manila 2 is only in red so far, im still waiting for a updated version which hopefully xboxmod will release at the end of this weekend if everything goes well, then ill start finishing up the red, and starting up on the blue version.

The first screen that shows up after reset which defaults to Touch Pro on a regular rom.
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