Originally Posted by acontrasto
Wow, that was a ballsy move. I just checked back on this thread, and I'm sorry to hear that your contacts were cleared. My next suggestion would have been to blind install the cab file for Microsoft's somewhat new service called MyPhone. It would have automatically synced all of your contacts to an online database where you could have archived them and then re-synced them to any phone you like (as long as it's compatible with MyPhone).
No I'm not a rep, but after hearing about your story I'm definitely using a service like this. Most carriers offer this service as a premium, but they charge. They benefit of the MyPhone service is that it is free for the time being. Definitely check it out to save yourself trouble in the future.
P.S. ... and LOL at the corncob pipe in the picture
I've been trying to use the MyPhone service, but it's pretty limited in its functionality at the moment. It's good for syncing contacts and calenders, but terrible for texts. For some reason it has a limit on the number of texts you can upload, where it would just fail inexplicably after a certain amount. I was able to successfully upload like 3k of my 4k messages after which point they started to just duplicate all the texts. Until they this out, and have a better interface in dealing with the texts, I'm holding off on relying on the service.