Re: Asurion now replacing the Touch for the Diamond
WOAH ninjamom!? Are you serious? I was just on the site and it said i would be getting a 6700 for my broken 6700... but i didnt complete the final step... my 6700 is half working still and im using a modified sprint 6900 to get service anyways..but that phone isnt listed on my plan. Are you pretty sure if i complete i'll be a 6850? Im on Verizon with an assurion replacement plan.
well screw it i took the leap, havnt gotten a confirmation email showing what kinda phone but the last step said 6700. Oh well... at least now i'll have a fully working brand new looking 6700 if and when i decide to upgrade. Ive been elegible for a new phone now for a year or so... but the diamond and touch pro are still waaaay too much for me.
Last edited by buddhatikkigod; 04-03-2009 at 08:55 AM.