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Old 04-02-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 - 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 21198. 11 Total!!

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
what would happen if you made your pagepool TOO big? Like lets say 12 was good for me, but i wanted to put it at 16. What are the adverse effects you can have from it being set at too large?
If you went to boog you woudl offset the amount of memory that is needed for the app to run. I know what that means but Im sutre know one else will understand? Can someone explain better. About to go to bed. Just finished the Diamond version of SSK 1.6 and will start uploading tommorow.


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