Originally Posted by rmartyr
Hey MM, I had 4.6 ... flashed to stock ... flashed 4.8 ... hard reset ...and have been having the ringer issue for a few days now. I also have the task bar mods installed (tsowentaskbar3v1.4_032209.cab) that were listed with your rom. I ended up uninstalling your task bar mod and installing (tsowentaskbar5v1.7.cab). I can't say if the My Ringtones folder existed or not because it would have been synced via active sync after the last hard reset. ringtones that i use are mp3's in the My Ringtones folder in My Documents (device). I still have the ring tone issue.
Hope this helps - thanks for the ROM!
I just had it happen to me too. I had uninstalled tsowen's taskbar mod. Like rmartyr, ringtones that i use are mp3's in the My Ringtones folder in My Documents (device). I'm set to Vibe and Ring.
When it happened I couldn't OK out of the Phone Dialer->Menu->Options dialog. Also, when I tried to play my selected ringtone (or any other ringtone for that matter) in this dialog, no sound would come out. A soft reset fixed it for the time being.
Hope this helps too!