Re: MicroSD slot in XV6800 doest work!!?
i searched a lot of things, in a lot of places, and yes i was stuck because i needed to install a radio and rom, but that's not the problem, the problem is i'm stuck on olipro 1.2, which i just found out is OLLLLLLLD
so now i'm stuck because i need the new bootloader.
i took care of the radio, so that's one down and one to go. i'm running radio 3.37.50, cuz i read that's the best for verizon (even though i will use it with cricket).
neways is there a naked .nbh file for no2chem 2.47, or olipro 2.40??
i would rather have no2chem's version though...
Last edited by alfredo-x; 04-02-2009 at 08:55 PM.