Originally Posted by a_c_s
So along the lines of what was discussed below, I am considering flashing for the first time...right now I have the stock ROM with TF3D turned off, most of the tweaks installed, and a buttload of apps, etc...I have most although not all of them on my card, and have the phone backed up fully via SPB Backup on the flash card...if I were to flash to something like Mighty Mike's ROM to speed up the phone, would I be able to restore from SPB and end up with most of the programs intact and in place? The reason I ask, as I said, is that unfortunately all my cabs are not 100% in one place (other than the SPB Backup file which obviously has everything), and some of the apps required reg tweaks to function or function optimally...I believe there is an option to restore with or without ROM upgrade, so if I were to flash and then restore the system data from backup, does anybody know what the likely outcome would be? Thx for any advice for a newbie flasher...
I use SPB and with mighty rom you will lose everything.
with the rom update. If you try to restore using the SPB rom upgrade it willdepend on the programs you have. So in short it is a hit and miss type situation. I did it and some of my programs did not work with his rom thus making me chose to go back to stock. But that doesnt mean I won't try again.