So along the lines of what was discussed below, I am considering flashing for the first time...right now I have the stock ROM with TF3D turned off, most of the tweaks installed, and a buttload of apps, etc...I have most although not all of them on my card, and have the phone backed up fully via SPB Backup on the flash card...if I were to flash to something like Mighty Mike's ROM to speed up the phone, would I be able to restore from SPB and end up with most of the programs intact and in place? The reason I ask, as I said, is that unfortunately all my cabs are not 100% in one place (other than the SPB Backup file which obviously has everything), and some of the apps required reg tweaks to function or function optimally...I believe there is an option to restore with or without ROM upgrade, so if I were to flash and then restore the system data from backup, does anybody know what the likely outcome would be? Thx for any advice for a newbie flasher...
Originally Posted by OR78
In my opinion and I have tried this it is all about preference. If you do go to a custom ROM you will lose all items on the phone memory. The problem that I think some people are having (meaning being on the fence about going to a custom ROM or sticking to stock) is that it takes a really long time to tweak the phone to how you want it to run. Even with a custom ROM,it is someone elses idea of how they want the phone to run. So in saying this it is all based on weather or not you want to continue to work on bettering your phone with the thought in mind that the word 'work' means you will have to redo any tweak that you did like that the custom ROM didnt have.
And one more important thing for you 'on the fence' people. If you flash to a different ROM and try to perform a restore, some restore programs will restore based off the newer rom version, which can cause problems with installed programs on your restored rom. It can be very difficult to go back to the original rom if you don't know what you are doing. USE CAUTION!