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Old 04-02-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: ...RSTG Custom Rom -=- Rhodium_v1c v2.R1d.04 FuzeBerry II 3/29/09

Originally Posted by mario23 View Post
I love the blue accents!
Is that part of Rhodium or a customization?

Also just info for you guys...

I tried that old Windows Mobile Daylight Savings table install from Microsoft but it didn't work.
The phone keeps defaulting back to bogota -5 instead of U.S. East -5.
Bogota doesn't recognize daylight savings hour behind.
The blue accents are part of the newer Fuzeberry II skin. And the time is still killing everyone. I'll be sporting this rom for the next couple days to see if I can cook in one of them fancy work-arounds or something....

Originally Posted by kubafett View Post
It seems to still not work with the updated rom, so it must be something else causing this, any ideas yet?

Thanks again!
This should be fixed in the next release perhaps sunday. Or sooner...
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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