Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]
Originally Posted by ott
 is this going to continue into v1.9 ROM? it makes me sad... haha, i love this ROM but i use this ALL the time and it bothers me... otherwise, i love the ROM KK!
sorry... several ways to fix this issue... one... keep on the note for like 3 seconds and it clears. 2... just keep txt... as soon as ur convo isfinished... just go to the first txt... and scroll down... (either via the down pad.. or down button during ladscape. thats what i dont even have to wait a second ... just keep pressing down until u get to the "newer" link or if you want. delete the whole entire conversation.
being a knew bee, im always learning stuff im forgetting, ADHD Sucks balls. i knew i should have listened to my mommy when she said drugs are bad... but i was never this bad at remembering stuff... anyways... learning, yea... ADHD makes me a person that writes long and useless stuff... anyways back to learning... i will be a new bee for life because by the time i understand something, im 2 updates behind. sorry.