Originally Posted by fantastic_mr_q
All well and good but the work he is doing is a beta, doesnt work with the TyTn as you loose outlook altogether and a life without emails is a no - go.
The very first cab works fine with the TyTn and has no issues.
Please can someone help me with this as after a whole night of hard reseting my phone constantly and trying different things I have gone back to what I know works and having a shrtcut setup to the registry file I need so I can get there quicker.
Ive installed Mortscript on my phone and would love to know how to write this as a command
Start Resco Registry Editor
Delete String??
Simple as that,
A little help please?
I now have it working 100 % using Memmaid to tidy up a little option. If you look at your startup options POUTLOOK.exe is one of them, I have removed this and in its place have put a shortcut to messaging.exe found in the windows directory (NOTE NOT THE messagingapp.exe!!!) My startup now reads
Shortcut to mesaging.exe.ink
Shortcut to WisBarAdv2.exe.ink
I have WisBar Advance 2 set to ignore Messaging app
It now all works fine.
The Reg folder for SMS is still created but is ignored as Poutlook does not open first and grab the priorty. My emails work with Poutlook, my texts with Treo Messenger and my MMS too!!
Yay at last