Re: Conflippers / NFSFAN - rom help
NFSFAN has some of the best rom's I've tested, I'm an avid viewer of his xda-devs threads, and he's always there helping out whoever asks for it. You can trash the guy all you want over here. I agree that the moderators here are biased at times, and definitely had it in for him. He's a stand up guy - with alot of character. If you're going to flame me (and some of you probably have been waiting for the chance... yes i am looking at you...) do it over PM, don't hijack the OP's thread for reasons of misconduct. Not like you'd get banned for it though, I probably would. hahaha
Just stating my piece for a valued contributor.
Telus EVDO, i love you. -------------------------- And Rogers, you ain't bad either =P