Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119
Originally Posted by oldman
I had the same problem with both the new 1.6 Final kitchen and the 21042 TP2 ROM. That appeared after I got about a dozen error messages that the customization couldn't find something on the SD card....probably a UC or autorun item. One thing it repeatedly looked for was "options.xml". If I removed the SD card, everything went smoothly.
Two issues noted so far:
1) So far, I can't get Advanced TF3D Config to work with TP2. I didn't 'bake' it in, so maybe I didn't copy the right version.
2) There is no PROGRAMS tab in the TF2 version of TF3D.
The Fuzeberry II skin works nicely with the TP2 manilla. I even found a nice Programs Tab over on XDA. However, I can't seem to get it to work on my phone. I'm monitoring that thread to see what the problem is
The thread is:
Hey Bob there is a new fuzeberry skin made specifically for TP2 Rhodium look at for it it is very nice and works great..