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Old 04-01-2009, 12:04 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Definately, a 'He'.
Mostly just being PC there. Didn't want to offend any hackerchicks.

Originally Posted by syrguy1969
If you don't mind a second opinion, not to step on Adrynalyne's toes, but I always find variety to be a good thing
Not at all! Especially since it's "your" thread!

I'd love it if more people chimed in. I guess I should give my own as well (and these are subject to change with the ground up install I'm in the process of putting together)...

1. I love Total Commander, but I've installed CeRegEditor on my PC now for more in depth RegEdits. I like that Total Commander is free and functions in every way I need (move files, edit .dll's and .ini's, RegEdit, etc.)

2. After exploring a lot of the free options out there, I've gone with Today 2. It doesn't add any files to the phone and I like it's simplicity. I do keep *****ing about that awful, real estate hogging, fugly clock though.

And I do love what I've seen of the HTC cube rotation animation, etc., but I don't know that I want to clutter my phone trying to imitate that.

3. I actually don't use a screen lock. I've just got my phone set to only wake when the power button (top, tiny button) is pushed. I never have to worry about pocket dialing. I'm being tempted by the pretty clocks of PocketShield and S2U2 though.

4. Haven't found any yet, but I guess I'll be trying out Adrynalyne's HTC Quick Launch recommend. I'm having some trouble finding a download though. Embarrassing.

5. I specifically remember someone mentioning this hack on a thread somewhere, but I also remembering to myself, "do I really need that .25" of space?" Yes. I need that .25" of space.

6. I was going to try iContact (in fact, I think I even installed it but never used it), but I started using PocketCM and never looked back. I am interested in the integration with iDialer (which I really like because of the GIANT buttons... I wish the Samsung/WinMo dialer looked/functioned more like this). PocketCM's screen transitions, skins and threaded SMS are just sooooo nice.

@syrguy1969: I like what I've seen of SBP, but I don't want to pay for a shell replacement. Same with Resco on the RegEdit/File Explorer front (I'm a cheap bastard ).

@Adrynalyne and Peripatetic Bibliophage: wish I'd have known about the Registry Backup before my phone crapped out. Yesterday was almost entirely gobbled up by phone hacks and tweaks. Not a responsible use of my day. Ouch.

Thanks guys for letting us know what you use! Anybody else: feel fry to chime in!
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