This ROM is ultra bare... That is the point though...
Its so bare in fact that I have t9 on and it can keep up with my typing 100%... Its speed is AMAZING its the fastest ROM you will run, I know that's a bold statement as I haven't tried the other 22 ROM yet, but this is redok fast... This ROM is perfect for people who are heavy post flash cab installers, which is normal me when I'm not testing ROMs as I currently am... Its seriously so fast it makes the phone seem like a totally different thing, more like a laptop... I recommend this to anyone who likes stock feel and just installs a few specific cabs...
I had one issue... Its that issue when leaving an app for the home screen an element from that application covers the top bar and gets stuck there until you soft reset, that's the best way I can describe it, I can't get a screen shot because when that happens I can't access the start menu... This could be an applications fault and not the rom, this happened after closing microsoft word...
Touch scrolling works so perfectly, its like your scrolling your contacts on a bed of water...
Loads the windows dir in under 2 seconds
The phone soft resets in UNDER 25-30 seconds, its ridiculous...
The camera is usable again after taking a picture in under 2.5 seconds!!!!!!
Note that this rom has NO extra apps installed and many of the regulars remove, there is no htc x button, MSVC or opera for example... It does have the hardware key vibrate that i love
there isnt even TF3D (which i dont care about either way)
My pocketwit cab (that i install on all the roms im testing cause i gotta have it) installs in a 1/4 of the time, its nuts...
Word loads 3-4x faster... The speed of the rom is just so nuts, this rom is a definite try at least once rom for everyone...
Installed opera 9.5 to test with, its gotta be fast...
As i thought its ultra fast, and scrolls sooooo smooth, there wasnt even any loading anywhere when quickly scrolling (my normal test site) no lag at all... Scrolling on youtube works perfect, not a single load spot and im scrolling all over, videos almost play at full fps, they are easily good enough to watch!
Includes 15+ themes
Ill test battery life tomorrow...
Battery life test starts at 9:49
Phone has been on for 20 min and is @ 95%...
Dont know if that is a charging issue or not...
I just thought of this, my battery is old, so battery test with my batter mean, if it doesnt even remotely well then the battery lifr for a newer battery would be really good... Im getting the 3000mah after these reviews anyways.
This rom has sprint picturemail installed which i hate, but it can be easily removed and replaced with arcsoft i think... Arcsoft mms is awesome.
Txt starts to slow down as a threaded message builds up... And the notifications seem to always be miss counted, it says 9 emails when there is 2... Ill have to test that more...
Phone was tethered from 11 till 2 pm... So as of 2pm the batter is at 99%
The phone doesnt have voicemail in as a speed dial
Its not that the notifications are being miscounted, but the notifications dont update very fast...