Ah, well i finally opened them up, but theres nothing there about softkeys. Not a single mention of it. Just seemed to have all the data for the text and images that showed up, no links though. Any suggestions on where I should begin my search in the registry?
EDIT: Nvm I found them. HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CHome
EDIT2: I figured out how to edit the various softkeys in Titanium. And then shortly found a tutorial in another forum on how to do it....lol
Anyways here it is.
Added Titanium Customization tutorial
SK2TEXT = the name which it will be shown on the right key
SK2URL = the path where the program is located to run.
The CHome is located in registry under \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\.
For example i want to change the CClock tab to open my desirable Alarm application instead of WM default.
1. Disable Titanium.
2. You need to browse to \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CClock and change the SK2URL to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Clock.lnk (if you are using Samsung alarm).
3. Enable Titanium. Thats it.
And here is the customizer for it to enable/disable the various tabs.