Originally Posted by scrosler
Yeah, I got a nasty email from somone about this. Complained the ktichen was getting too big and too many selections.
Understand, everybody's a Noob at one time. We have to teach them. However, considering all the "flash-crazy" people that follow your ROMS, you need to keep them happy.
Think I'd suggest 2 Kitchens...One labeled "NOOB only" that has just enough for them to learn. Once they learn the basics, they can graduate to your standard full-fledged kitchen. I think that I'd also post a comment in Post 1 that a ROM is limited to 128 MB. If you exceed that number you will get this error message: "xxxxxx.xxx"..You need to reduce the number of apps that you have selected. A statement like that would answer a lot of questions before they are asked.