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Old 04-01-2009, 12:14 AM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
Hit the thanks!! Just kidding, the thanks stuff is all good, it doesnt mean anything, but I never got to tell a ROM maker to hit the thanks button so you're the first. CONGRATS!

And I think making an offical SSK ROM thread would be awesome. You have a good amount of knowledgeable and loyal users here, so we can help you.
Damn it! You got me! I got yoyu back twice for that. I shoudl be slapped. Im the king of "give me some thanks!" I shoudl have known better. My bad. You been doubled!

Donations always accepted but never expected!
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