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Old 04-01-2009, 12:12 AM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by KsJuggalo View Post
Wow thats a can of worms!

when i hit the play button i got an error when it wuz processing the jbed java...cant remember the exact error but sumin bout _ack_6.png already exists. Wanted to get that up here b4 i forgot completely wut it said.

AGE - 32
Ocupation - I drive a an experienced PC-Tech/Sys-Admin but i have no certs so i am reduced to loading trucks for crap pay! Bills r payed so i shoundlt complai rite?
You need to find a call center. Im dead serisous. You would have a job in a second! Trust me, if you came in talking those credentials and knowing this stuff here.... You would be on my tech support team no doubt.

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