Originally Posted by eagle63
Really?? So compared to a stock rom on the Vogue this is pretty quick? That's cool. How well do 3rd party apps work? Any major incompatibilities found yet? I've been using OMJ's stable ROM for a number of months now, and while it's been a very good ROM I was thinking about cooking my own ROM just for something different. But if 6.5 is getting to the point of being a solid day-to-day ROM then maybe I should just go for that instead...?
Everything seems to be checking out so far. i installed htc album, audio manager, volumecontrol, diamond keyboard, opan canvas, comm manager, microsoft office, sktools, nodata, end key, among others.
so far those all work. large title bar doesnt work, it automatically selects the commanager button

so im trying to use one i OEMed from the iolite rom.
only REAL problem i have right now is trying to change the defualt programs and the softkeys for the today screen. i cant make the program by defualt open htc album through the all pictures softkey. and the music is still being played through WMP.
the user interface is the same as before. Im trying to figure out what vin255764 did to his ui to make it so much more finger friendly.
the bottom bar doesnt seem to be affected by today themes, workin one why.
and the htc rhodium enhancement didnt work either for me.
and neither is usb....