Hey all,
As I was browsing the forums, I happened to come across
THIS thread and immediately felt like
. I have been using M2W for quite a while now and was quite pleased with it's Push E-mail capabilities; alas, this is no longer an option. As such, I am looking into other options that would allow me similiar (if not same) capabilities as M2W.
Therefore, I have a few questions that I hope members with experience in the field can assist me with:
1) Is SEVEN beta a free service?
2) Does SEVEN push as well as (or better than) M2W?
3) Does it create a new e-mail address (i.e.
username@seven.com or something) or does it push an existing address (i.e. comcast, hotmail, gmail...)?
4) How is the battery drain on the TP when using SEVEN vs. using M2W?
5) What server address, if any, do I need to put into my TP to get SEVEN to push e-mail (i.e. mobile.exchange.mail2web.com for M2W)?
1) Does Hotmail push e-mail by itself, or does it need to be paired up with something else?
2) If it does push, what is the server address I need to put into my TP (i.e. mobile.exchange.mail2web.com for M2W)?
1) Are either of these services "Outlook" services that sync with ActiveSync (once again, like M2W)? I ask this only because I know it works with my TP "flawlessly".
2) If not, then what else do you folks recommend?
Lastly, I wasn't sure if this belonged in the TP forum, but seeing as the thread I referenced above was here, I hope it can be related.
Thank you all for your time.