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Old 03-31-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Guys, this is bull****. I know I'm not to be taken too seriously around here yet since I've not put much time in, but all this "Trust me, I'm VIP" crap in conjunction with "we've got WM7" is spam at best and I'm trying to follow this thread to eventually get out a nice 6.5 ROM AND contribute what I can in the meantime.

Don't be ****s by throwing that crap in here. Go make a new thread, or clam up (as VIPs should) until there's something to release.

For those who still have their hopes up, even after reading ConFlippers previous post, a screenshot, or even videos are worthless as "proof" of anything. Even a SYS could be released which would be hard to identify as false to the majority of us.

My "opinion" (based on common sense and logic) is that we will know WM7 when we see an new UI that clearly isn't just a bunch of skins and apps people have thrown together.

If feel me here, show me some thanks. If you disagree, please don't spam up this thread further, PM me instead. I'm all for discussing productive issues and opinions.
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