Originally Posted by impudent1
I flash to flash period. I approach this as a learning experience, and the never-ending pursuit for perfection. Obviously you are happy with what you have, you got it the way you want it, why even bother changing?
I also flash for its own sake
- it's fun to tweak the phone to perfection. My only issue is I completely rely on the phone during the day to run my small business tech firm so I its painful if I end up with a phone that locks up - especially if I don't know it. I've had wonderful afternoons heads down on a database project thinking to myself, what a blessing everything is running smoothly. Then I lookup to see my client holding his landline phone out telling me that someone has tracked me down about a problem thats been going on all afternoon.
That brings me back to my big question. I think Scott could probably answer it best. Is the lastest kitchen noticeably faster or better in other ways then the Dec 26 version way back in the stone ages of the TP