Originally Posted by RONMAC
Maverick, hard reset and clear storage are two different types of resets. A hard reset clears out loaded programs and and other user installed junk and restores the ROM to it's initial state. Clear storage does this as well as clearing out the radio forcing you to reactivate your phone on the network (*22899 for VZW) and then forcing you to also reapply Bored's VZW GPS fix on the phone as well.
Using Clear Storage is ALWAYS the last resort for frequent flashers as it adds the extra steps that are not really needed.
Not sure if you were aware of this or not. I know I was not and am very glad it was pointed out to me.
Been there done that. Clearing storage and having to reapply the GPS as well as re-register on the network is a pain. Plus...it didn't fix the hang anyways...