Originally Posted by rkramer@4coc.com
I am having a problem with 4.0 & 4.1 ROMS with Manila 2 Beta. I am in Michigan, when I select my city (Lansing, Michigan), it shows an hour behind. When I look at the items on my calendar, it shows they are starting an hour earlier then they are on the Calendar in Exchange. Not sure if this is a DayLight Saving issues. I assume that I no longer need to run the Daylight Savings Time patch with these Roms.
I would also like to give Props to Meridin for a great ROM.
Ron Kramer
I know this is a long thread but this issue has been mentioned countless times, its a manilla issue and hopefully it will be fixed pretty soon. There is a cab floating around thats said to fix the issue but it hasn't been workiing for everyone including myself so just change the time manually under settings and under the manilla home screen.