Originally Posted by erock123
UPDATE: I previously "bricked" (actually just put my phone into bootloader mode) my PPC 6700 attempting to reflash on Mac OSX 10.4.10 VMWare Fusion running WinXP. I was unable to run the flash (threw a 101 connection error after the confirmation dialogue - going from this os to this other os). Attempts to use the uni_exitbootloader (from buzzdev.net) were unsuccessful most times (did work unpredictably if you would reboot the virtual machine instance). I'm going to make the following suggestion...
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PERFORM THIS ROM FLASH FROM VMWARE FUSION INSTANCE (XP) RUNNING ON MAC OSX. There appears to be some USB connection issues where the OS image can't recognize the device even though it's plugged in - probably just a bug from VMWare Fusion. The device was recognized (while in bootloader mode) on a WinXP machine - just not under a virtual machine instance.
This update ran smoothly (as did uni_exitbootloader to get my device out of bootloader mode) from WinXP. My device successfully flashed and is updated the first time from a windows XP box (Sprint ROM). Again, do not attempt on a VMWare Fusion OS image - you're only asking for heartache. Thanks to Helmi and Buzzdev.net for the incredible work. Donation forthcoming.
i just wanted to add that I was able to flash two xv6700 using parallels on a macbook. no problems at all. both have worked like a charm, and i cant believe what a great mood ive been in...
thanks helmi_c!