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Old 03-30-2009, 10:42 PM
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Exclamation Re: Conflippers / NFSFAN - rom help

I was actually here when this took place and involved. At the time certain people wanted NFS banned. Many unfair attacks happened. Hacking of his FTP, Trolling spam posts to start flames in his thread to try and get it pulled.

Hell defending NFSFAN I got a ban also along with dharv and anyone else who dared to be fair when it came to NFS.

Jugs would tell me it is NFSFAN's job to control his thread when he had no moderator powers. Think about it, someone starts saying stupid things you try to explain back to a troll and boom the specialed admins here delete a thread with 150k views?
Instead of deleting the posters post and warning the problem starter they took it out on NFSFAN. Are you starting to get the sort of situation that existed here?

They had it in for NFSFAN and they where determined to get him more or less.

Anyhow, for the record.

1.NFSFAN did not steal. There was no license agreement in the zip from the application he downloaded off nochems site.

2.They wanted him banned. They wanted a reason and got one. Any normal site would have never allowed this. They had it in for him.

3.All NFSFAN did was rename it to USB2PC on the top header text for the popup that initially came up. The change made it look more official. He did not claim he coded it or anything like that.

What is funny is the same idiots tried to do the same flame spam posts at XDA but too bad we have alot more friends at XDA. They got bans. The administration of XDA is not unfair and retarded. Unlike certain administrators...

At the end of the day NFSFAN has been the most consistent and producing the highest quality ROM's for the Vogue.

All ROM chiefs are stealing by the definition that PPCG admin used here on this so called NFSFAN stealing situation. This whole attack on NFSFAN was and still is a joke. Do we write to HTC and Microsoft and so on, NO? Did NFSFAN charge for his ROM’s ,NO? Was NFSFAN given a chance to remove the application? NO?

They just wanted to be unfair and smear and ban him.

I felt I should say this and set the record straight. I bet this will be deleted and or trolls will be here. O well.

Last edited by eric2k; 03-30-2009 at 10:55 PM.