Originally Posted by Tplane37
Thanks! I actually had Beta 1.2 in 87% Compressed and was about to upload it when I read your post. I am rebuilding now, will test then post after the test. Thanks a million! I am sure there are a number of other members who will be grateful for this info too....if nothing more than because they have another feature that works right in their latest flash.
FYI, <Shell32.dll> is located in <\SYS\Shell> or <SYS_21198_Common\Shell> depending on if you are using PPCKitchen or not. And <Shell32.dll> from 21193 is the one I used since the feature worked in that build.
Okay, this Battery Settings bit is getting old fast. The <Shell32.dll> didn't fix the problem either. Where do you find the actual shortcut locations of the items in the upper bar? I am curious if it is as simple as editing an RGU file to enter in the missing link. After comparing the RGU to a previous build that works of course!