Originally Posted by djsonar
s2v works for me it changes the contacts photos.
sometimes i have to zoom in the photo then assign to a contact fr it t work.
When you go to the contact card and click edit contact and then click contact picture to change then the dialog comed up for "set contact photo" and you select open album, does it open? for me it just goes right back to the contact card. If I hit edit contact then scroll down and hit more to bring up the native contact card then choose the contact it works but the contact is low resolution. If i hit menu in the native contact card and select remove pic then I use S2V the pic shows up on the contact card fine but in the people tab flipper it shows the generic headshot.... This behavior happened in every TP2 variation I tried, Calcu's kitchen with TP2 cokked and updated, Calcu with no cooked manila and latest XBmod installed and Mighty TP2. Juicy's TP@ for me has been the closest to perfect with enhanced menu & notifications and everything else except clock time (fixed by avoiding opening the clock) and adding new highrez contact pics