Originally Posted by tersoth
I believe it is the updated package for the diamond2 keyboards. I got the hepatic feedback on the tf3d bar (when you click on a tab not when you slide) and in opera (when you click on links) after I changed the OEM that I was using. but I don't know how you turn it off.
Tersoth, thanks, that makes sense. I am using FingerKeyboard anyway so it won't be a big deal for me to roll back to EZInput.
Originally Posted by wmdunn
Bonz ... I'm still on a rom from the 4.5 kitchen, waiting for all this stuff to settle out. And I'm not sure if my experience will mean anything in your case ... so if it doesn't help ...
HKLM\Software\Opera\Defaults ... there was a dword listed "VibrationEnabled". I changed it from 1 to 0 ... and the random vibration stopped. By the way, I do still use the vibration with the keyboard ...
Wmdunn, thanks for the tip. I changed the reg key but it doesn't affect the TouchFlo slider bar. I'm guessing that using an older HTC SIP is gonna fix it, as suggested above. Thanks again, though.