Originally Posted by blazin-asian
i have thoroughly cleaned my messaging folders. im kind of a text junky so i flushed about 5000+ messages after realizing it took almost an hour to backup/restore with ppcpimbackup
ok, another problem now after my hard reset, i went to text my friend and after i put the first 2 letters of her name in the To field, the phone completely freezes up and i have to soft reset.
could this have anything to do with me using an older version of ppcpimbackup to backup/restore everything? i like to use the same version because ive had problems restoring a backup made with an older version before.
Try this: This shuts off MS Auto Correction which has been causing SMS to freeze and crash.
Apply with a regiatry editor.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Inbox\RecipientAutocompl ete]
"DisableIMEContextInAddressFields"=dword:00000 001
If you want that as a cab: