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Old 03-30-2009, 11:20 AM
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Restoring a sprite backup issues

Alright, I'm just wondering if I'm doing this wrong. The first thing I did on my phone before installing any 3rd party cabs was installing Sprite backup software and making a backup of my phone. So I did this and then tested the restore, seemed to work just as expected.

I then started installing various TF3D modification cabs on the system just to see what they would look like because I just assumed a simple restore would put me back to where I was. Well I tried restoring with Merge level 3 and "replace" for the files. So why do I still have these same tweaks on my system if the restore was supposedly suppose to overwrite these?

Should I select the option "Delete All Files" and then try the same restore? Should I do a hard reset and then do the restore? Any input from those who have sprite would be greatly appreciated.

O and I apologize if this is the wrong place for this thread (like if I should be contacting sprite's support directly or something like that). Thanks all!
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