Originally Posted by ourgangmn
Do I have a broken Mogul? I installed the GPS Viewer, but when I select Com4 and Select "Open GPS" I get an error that says "Can not open COMPORT."
OR, has Alltel/Verizon shut me out of the game unless I pay their outrageous data plan fees?????!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of variables here my friend. You must either have a custom rom with aGPS hacked by QPST and registry, or have valhalla cab (search and read if you don't know). Next you must have enabled location in phone settings and set GPS hardware correctly in settings.
If you have all of that done as the stickies and wikis show, you shouldn't get that error unless you have some hardware issues. I have had a 1 1/2 dozen Titans and never seen that or heard of it happening in any forum. It is more likely you don't have it set up right.