Originally Posted by rexboy
I personally prefer Phonex. 1.3 just came out, still has a minor bug if you use SPB mobile shell otherwise its great. Very fast scrolling, simple, not too cluttered, easy to edit photos etc. The others are similar, i just like the layout and speed of Phonex. Found Photo contact pro far too cluttered and if you have alot of contacts, its slow to scroll page by page unless you entere the exact name. Phonex scrolls just as fast as an iphone for easy viewing etc. Inesoft is similar but just a preference thing. Tried the new resco one as well which is very fast to load and has integrated sms threading if you dont use sms chat etc.
I use it on my Diamond. I mainly got it to get rid of the ring delay that the HTC dialer has. However, I haven't noticed any change in the ring delay.
Unless I'm doing something wrong.