Originally Posted by stroths
I don't use ilock, but some have claimed in the past that it didn't play nicely with LED Killer so it may be your culprit.
Another option is a freeware app made by Triangle Powers that does multiple 6800 tweaks. One of them is to stop the blinking LED. I haven't tried this so I don't know how well it works and if notifications still have the ability to blink or not.
We have been talking about this over at
WMExperts. The PC-6800 Hack will turn off the LED....all of the LED lights, except for the charging light. It kills the BT light as well, which I want. But it also kills the vibrate during a call as well. I always have mine ring and vibrate at the same time as I am often times in noisy enviroments. Once I set the PC-6800 to not kill the LEDs, I have vibrate back.
I love the rest of the PPC-6800 Hacks. I am now going to use the LED 3.1 to kill just the Green light and see how that goes.