<---Sprint Terminated This Guy
Dont want to scare you but, you can be terminated by using to much "ROAM"
Under "Roaming Included Plans":Sprint may terminate service if a majority of minutes in a given month are used while roaming off the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network.
Data Usage Limitation (Mobile Broadband Cards, USB Modems, Imbedded Modems and Phone-As-Modem): The amount of data transmitted over our network is measured in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). Sprint reserves the right to limit throughput speeds or amount of data transferred; and to deny, terminate, modify, disconnect or suspend service if usage either exceeds (a.) 5GB/month in total or (b.) 300MB/month while off-network roaming. 1024 KB equal 1 MB. 1024 MB equal 1 GB
Those are the rules