Thanks to all of your suggestions, bug reports, donations and help I've finished v1.0 of TDial Designer. 
Supported Dialers:
-HTC Touch (old and new(wm6 kitchen) versions)
-HTC Vogue
It seems to have most of the kinks worked out and a lot of features added from when I started out on this project.
Both an Installer and Zip version can be downloaded here.
After you save your skin, copy all images to \Windows on your PPC to overwrite the stock images, then soft-reset.
To build these into a ROM in the new WM6 Kitchen, simply copy the images to the Patches folder instead, and choose the appropriate dialer in BuildOS.
For blueFrog users to hide the drawn on digits: (TDial now hides this for you already in the cab version of your saved skin.)
;Hide blueFrog digits and letters
To show them again later, you can delete the entries.
For blueFrog/newTouch to change the text color on the progress screen:
;BlueFrog/new Touch progress text color (white)
-Fixed crash when saving a blueFrog theme using HotDigits or HTCHomeDigits.
-Borders are not saved for blueFrog themes using HotDigits or HTCHomeDigits, but it's better than a crash for now.
-Fixed problem with landscape progress background showing as portrait when loading a skin.
-Added ability to change the statusbox text color (and dial digits) for portrait and landscape individually. BlueFrog/new Touch only, and you'll need to use the cab version of your saved skin. Eventually you'll be able to change progress button text too as well as set seperate colors for dialer and progress, but for now I need to rework the interface to fit it all in.
-A cab file is now created in the same folder the skin is saved to. This can be used as an alternative to copying the files to \Windows.
-The Options->Dialer choice is properly checked depending on the mode you are in.
-Fixed issue with statusbox not saving in the skin correctly.
-Reworked the smartdial and statusbox code.
-Reworked the button-click code so that the downbutton color is properly displayed in the preview for BlueFrog.
-Smartdial not matching your progress screen if you're using a different background than the dialer screen is not a bug. It's the way the dialer skins. If it doesn't look right, turn the smartdial alpha up to 100%.
-Added ability to change bgcolor of downbutton for BlueFrog and new Touch
-Added ability to set different backgrounds for dialer and progress for all dialers supported.
-Added donate link to About.
-Fixed status box for blueFrog/new Touch
-Combined bordercolor for down buttons on progress and dialer screens for blueFrog/new Touch because they use the same image for downbutton now anyway.
-Now supports new Touch (in WM6 kitchen) and BlueFrog dialers.
Remember to choose the correct dialer in Options->Dialer. It will save in your settings.
-Now draws the talk button on the backdrop making it compatible with _old_ Touch and new Vogue dialer.
-Added the glosses created by FRESHMAN.
Things for next release:
-Rework the whole interface. Could be a while before next release but I'm running out of room to put things :P This will allow me to add more settings like progress button textcolor for blueFrog/new Touch, etc.
If you're getting errors when starting the program, install .NET 2.0 or higher.
If any of you are looking for the old method of designing your own skin without the designer interface, I've quoted my old post 2 posts down.