Originally Posted by inertiax3
Dear all,
does anyone have problems with blurring? Both 21195 and 21198 produce artifacts (blurring) when I scroll the Start menu or Chrome (Today plugin).. everything else works OK. This is on a Samsung i780 (320x320 device)
Same behaviour on all 21195/21198 releases that have been posted in this forum
The last time I say this blurring was with Samsung Today 2 plugin but that one uses Flash... removing/changing Adobe*.* directories in SYS from previous WM65 builds didn't help.
Anyone please?
Off the wall question....are ROMs for the i780 compatible with the i760? If so, which device are you cooking for? I have a friend with an i760 that would like to try out my ROMs, but I have not ventured to the Samsung side of the wading pool yet. Thanks.