Originally Posted by lllboredlll
GC's fix is an aGPS fix (assisted GPS) which the Verizon Touch Pro is not capable of using aGPS at this time. Unless you are using VZNavigator.
My GPS fix is to unlock the GPS chip which Verizon so kindly locked down for us.
Thx....see I had a Titan 6800 just a few days ago...
OK got that now. So have I hurt my TP device by putting in the setting from the QPST program
PDE IP Address:
PDE Port Number: 8888
PDE Transport: IP
Position Calculation: PDE
What I am asking is should I remove them enlighten to what you have stated. I have applied his way first (with a Titan mind set since I came from xda) then yours. Looks like I only needed yours from your statement. But I am not sure what as functionality goes I have put my device in. Yes it work meaning GPS but since I have done both have I hurt myself...
Can you advise on that. Thx