Re: VZW aGPS issues anyone?
For what it is worth, i have not changed anything in the last few days and have only changed the following settings below from joshkeller77 about 7 days ago.
HKLM\Software\Valhalla Legends\GPSServer\Mode=2 (the original value)
HKLM\Software\Valhalla Legends\GPSServer\PDEAddress=5C8BC6D8 (HEX)
HKLM\Software\Valhalla Legends\GPSServer\PDEPort=8889
I get 6 sats inside and 10 sats outside. The only thing i really changed was that i am now only using the EVDO network instead of my WIFI that i had used before inside the house.
I am not saying to reset the phone but that is what i did and have MR1 only installed with the changes above. Hope this helps.