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Old 08-31-2007, 09:11 PM
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A few things.
I set up three email accounts for use on my Sprint 6700. None are run on an exchange server (that I know of). One is an alternate earthlink account. One is a gmail account and the third is my SprintPCS account. (don't ask why I'm so stupid to have all these accounts- I actually have a bunch more )
So far, I've confirmed that the Gmail account received some html email, but haven't seen any come in on the other accounts.

I've seen a little of the freezing that others have mentioned, but mostly this thing just flies. Reboots in under a minute (compared to almost two with my previous WM5/3.5 setup). Everything looks slick. I'm not even going to install Wisbar, as this looks fine. Not too thrilled with the task manager [x-button or whatever; it seemed to work the first time I flashed, but after the second time, when I ditched the extROM customizations, it doesn't seem to work exactly right. I think that installing iLauncher will fix that.
Hopefully I can put it in one of the PB tabs and still have everything work properly.

As far as speakerphone... mine works just like normal. It's on the Status page instead of the dialer page. You might have to press the left softkey to get it. You can also get it from the dialer page by pressing the Menu/Right-softkey or by holding in the green phone button while in a call.

This is really awesome.
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