Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
A knee jerk reaction would tell me that you have more issues than this app--but post on the beta forum for support, rather than here. No devs visit here, that I am aware.
As for the taskswitcher issue, I am unsure how you are invoking it, unless on purpose, but it is a resistive touch screen so...you are right, it crashes PS when running it. Maybe worth reporting as a bug.
I can post a cab that will completely disable taskswitcher. Its quick and easy. Let me know. Its been an ongoing issue for some with S2U2 as well.
These guys are excellent with support, you can even report from your phone by tapping the A, then + and report the issue.
Haha. I actually thought you were one of the devs over there :P I'll go ahead and send an e-mail to the devs.
As for the cab file -- I don't think I'll need that just yet. I actually really like having access to it while I have some other things up ie opera and word and it makes things a bit easier. Thanks though dearie.