well customer service doesnt pay me but sprint does lol....and i guess i missed that one my bad....and yeah its just from any companies stand point lsing so much money on a phone is not a good thing and if you want the company to progress we cant try to get what we shouldnt out of them you know?....but yeah HTC hasnt released or told me anything about a fix for this...it does seem like only some phone are effected by the problem though....maybe one manufacturing plant put the wire in a different way not sure though.....yeah if your keyboard doesnt work now eventually your screen will start scambling te image it is trying to display and after that the screen will just be stuck blue...the only temporary fix i found when i had the phone was slamming the side with the volume buttons into my palm and it sometimes fixed the problem....you will most likely need to get the phone replaced however unless you know how to repair ribbon cable...
Originally Posted by chaos2137
simply because i live in a backwards place called mississippi (military sent me here) i cannot bring it to a tech center because they do not exist here as i stated in an earlier post. just read back a few and you will see man, it's just kinda difficult to have those resources like you, i would have done that if i could but i do appreciate the input dude. you guys are jumping on me like customer service pays your bills lol man i'm just telling my story that's all, no need for the hating peace brothers peace (can't we all just get along???) 