Originally Posted by montez25
this is the only thing i can find as far as my log files. i hope this helps.
thanx again for your time C-ApiSRO!
You must first enable logging by going into settings and clicking the "Enable Logging" option. Then restart C-ApiSRO, log in, and try to play a channel. After recreating the problem, go back into settings and turn off logging.
Log files can be found in the "Program files\C-ApiSRO\log" folder.
YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO LOG FILES if C-ApiSRO is running or you have logging enabled, so make sure you shut C-ApiSRO down or disable logging to read or delete the log file.
Make sure you turn logging off after reproducing the problem, or C-ApiSRO will consume precious file space from your phone.
Mail me whatever is in that log folder and I'll take a look.