Originally Posted by falzon03
did you even think what you just said through?!
htc screws up so you make sprint pay for it that makes a whole lot of sense!
hey guys im going make sony give me a brand new tv bc my satelite stops working sometimes.
and sprint will have no problem fixing this or replacing this phone with the same model...and it isnt a defect more like a design flaw
Yes, I did think about it. I'm also thinking about the extra money I'm laying down for insurance through them on not 1, but 2 TPs and the overall experience I've had with this device, which has been quite a let down. I would graciously accept a new replacement if I knew it wasn't going to just happen again in a couple months. As it is, I'm WAITING for something else since they don't have any other phones in their lineup that interests me instead of swapping out multiple times.
Do you think about what you blurb out before attacking others for expressing themselves?????