Originally Posted by eenieMINI
The best way is to install this cab:
Then this cab:
be sure to install both to your device not to internal storage.
After install go to the program directory and delete all the txt files in the skin folder that say WVGA in the name... I also delete all the extr
a languages texts but that doesn't matter one or the other....
Now soft reset and enable the keyboard via the sip menu.
The cab installs may seem backwards but it puts the vga files into the folders before the keyboard program so that when the setup comes you don't have to worry about trying to activate keyboard with the wrong files (which locks up phone).
You can also now install any of the fantastic skins found in this thread.... and delete any you won't use to save space on your device.
Trying that, it says I need to remove the install from the first one before I can put in the second, is that right?