Originally Posted by tsowen
Now with that being said "We" have taken a lot of time to provide purpose, motivation and direction here meaning the knowledge on how to do some of these minor changes on your own. I don't mind answering questions, helping you out when you have tried and failed but somewhere a little line has to be drawn and you have to help yourself a little first. I (we) have taken way more than two minutes of our life for free to help out as much as possible. So please try to understand where we are coming from and why the first post even exist at all. This thread was never intended for hurry up and give me my fix. It was also designed for education on how the process works. I am not saying I will not help people out but it would be nice if some would try first.
I am not part of the "WE" you mention but I feel a little vindicated by you posting this since I was recently accused of being harsh by telling folks to READ the first post/page as most everything can be answered there. Most of the issues people have can be solved by simply READING the first page instead of going to the last page and posting a question that has usually been answered time and time again.