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Old 03-27-2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: ## intxROM v1.1 Rhodium [SC/UC] 3/26/09 ## (1.1 ONLINE NOW!)

Originally Posted by oluchika View Post
So does this mean that because the bg4all is cooked into the ROM that we can't install any other clocks, because all of the ones I have tried installing end up having the white square in the corner of all but the home tab. Is there no way to uninstall it, because I actually wouldn't mind it being gone.
Also, when I make a call, I end up having a white box to the side of the number, i guess because there is not an image saved for that contact. Can this be fixed to at least show the other box, which I think was like the one on the contact tab with the plus symbol?
I noticed the contact picture too, but it's low on my list of priorties.

And it's not because of BG4ALL that you can't use other clocks, it's because Rhodium Manila and it's world clock feature doesn't support regular HD/Stock Manila hacks.
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