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Old 03-27-2009, 10:15 AM
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Re: -+22 Mar 09+- UPD #18: SSK 1.6 Final Beta (20764.1.4.3) - See OP for details!

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Just a quick update. The weather in Fargo has gone from bad to worse. We have already had 8 inches of snow since the yesterday. Things are looking very grim. We were told in a city meeting today that we need to think of leaving our homes soon although they are not forcing us to evacuate. They did say the neighborhood that I am in will be pretty much blocked off from the outside world by tommorow. If we are home when they close the levee's we are stuck until its all over. I have opted not to relocate and to stay in my home during this.

Currently the Red River is at its highest point in Fargo's history and is expected to crest this Saturday. The mayor, in the meeting today, stated that this is going to be a historic event. He urged all people to conitnue filling sandbags. We have to raise the levee's around the community another two feet by Saturday. The levee's are as high as 38 feet in some area's already. They have also started building smaller contingnent levee's. These smaller levee's are the ones that will barricade my community in.

I have never seen such a surreal environment.

Wish us luck!

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God bless Scott.