Originally Posted by lilhgarcia1123
The only annoying thing is when you want to pick a new song you have to go back to storage - My Doc. - My music then the album
You definetly do not have to do that. You can just load up all your songs in the playlist, all songs in a folder will stay grouped together. Then you can just use the playlist browser to flick through the songs. Or an even easier way, use one of the skins that uses the scroll wheel, which will allow you roll through songs right on the media player screen and tap play when you find the one you want. Exactly like an ipod.
I may just be a little lazy but i hate taking my stylist every time needs to be more finger friendly
Stylist? No way. One of the reasons this was made was that so you would never have to use your stylist. Not only is this is hands down the most finger friendly mp3 player I've ever used, but also one of the most finger friendly apps. I just don't think you wanna give it a chance.
Don't say that you have really big fingers or something because this is finger friendly to even the biggest of hands. I was at Shaq's barbecue last weekend and I showed him this app. He loved it, and even he couldn't get over how finger friendly it was.
Hope that helped.